congratz to my sis and bro-in-law newly wed
wish their love last forever
this blog start with the catering night at my house..
i went back home around 6pm
coz late lecture...
however, back home, everything was setup.
and smells great!!!
some relatives and friends came...
chit chat~
i serve my friends the barcadi apple in my room
and play monopoly DEAL...
fun, strategic, and not much drunkin or 'weeee' feeling
however, my friends went back around 10pm
my parents started setting up the ceremony of 'combing'
LOL (dono wat it should be called)
anyway, everything when well..
my mom started get emotional when the third combing
and made my sis cry abit...
the night ended around 12pm
then parents still planning about the guest list for tomorrow wedding dinner
so finally they went in bed around 2pm..
= =
every1 woke up in the other morning around 6~7am
preparing for the morning session
invitation/taking bride? LOL
it was so new for me, everything..
i actually speechless..
you can see it all through some pictures
(coming soon)
at 11.30pm,
brothers and i drove to the new house, sis and bro-in-law's
we, brothers have to follow,
as they called 'accompany married'? 陪嫁
then it when through the same thing over again...
except the little human jumping on the bed.. XD
(coming soon)
when back home,
i tried to get a nap before heading to the restaurant, dinner preparation..
but.. there was no time actually.. = =
so we head to Jaya33 at 3.30pm
Oriental Pavillion.
my job was to setup computer for the slide shows and beer management
everything turn out fine..
it seem that the slide shows was quite a success... (for some who interested)
then final step before the night ended...
is to go every table 'yum sheng!!'
i didn't actually follow..
because, they didn't plan a seat for us, brothers.. = =
we have to find a empty seat ourselves and get the rest time we have to eat
and eat like pigs.. = = (ngoik ngoik ngoik)
so we stay put at the table until they come...
"YUM SHENG"!!!!!
sister pour us full glass of wine..
we did finished it all in seconds...
and ever since, all 'wing wing' ~ = =
this night was fun....
so finally, congratz to my sis and bro-in-law again..
happily for the rest of their lives...
so... what happened after?
go back lah..
i went to pay the parking.. then go to my car..
drove to the gate... guess wat....?
the ticket was lost...
so what happen then?
i search EVERYWHERE..
didn't find it...
so i decide to go back and search for it..
guess what again...
i dropped it on the parking spot...
= =
i guess i am still drunk... XD
drove back home,
and guess what?!
i think i lost the ring i just bought yesterday..
so guess what...
when i rushed out this evening around 3.30pm...
i didn't every wear it.. hahaha
its on my bed, safe n sound.. haha
so that's it...
good night, guys!!
(photos coming soon)