Saturday, May 29, 2010

newly wed.

congratz to my sis and bro-in-law newly wed
wish their love last forever

this blog start with the catering night at my house..
i went back home around 6pm
coz late lecture...
however, back home, everything was setup.
and smells great!!!
some relatives and friends came... 
chit chat~
i serve my friends the barcadi apple in my room
and play monopoly DEAL...
fun, strategic, and not much drunkin or 'weeee' feeling

however, my friends went back around 10pm
my parents started setting up the ceremony of 'combing'
LOL (dono wat it should be called)
anyway, everything when well..
my mom started get emotional when the third combing
and made my sis cry abit...

the night ended around 12pm
then parents still planning about the guest list for tomorrow wedding dinner
so finally they went in bed around 2pm..
 = =
every1 woke up in the other morning around 6~7am

preparing for the morning session
invitation/taking bride? LOL
it was so new for me, everything..
i actually speechless..
you can see it all through some pictures
(coming soon)

at 11.30pm,
brothers and i drove to the new house, sis and bro-in-law's
we, brothers have to follow,
as they called 'accompany married'? 陪嫁
then it when through the same thing over again...
except the little human jumping on the bed.. XD
(coming soon)

when back home,
i tried to get a  nap before heading to the restaurant, dinner preparation..
but.. there was no time actually.. = =
so we head to Jaya33 at 3.30pm
Oriental Pavillion.
my job was to setup computer for the slide shows and beer management
everything turn out fine..
it seem that the slide shows was quite a success... (for some who interested)
then final step before the night ended...
is to go every table 'yum sheng!!'
i didn't actually follow..
because, they didn't plan a seat for us, brothers.. = =
we have to find a empty seat ourselves and get the rest time we have to eat
and eat like pigs.. = = (ngoik ngoik ngoik)
so we stay put at the table until they come...
"YUM SHENG"!!!!!
sister pour us full glass of wine..
we did finished it all in seconds...
and ever since, all 'wing wing' ~ = =

this night was fun....
so finally, congratz to my sis and bro-in-law again..
happily for the rest of their lives...

so... what happened after?
go back lah..
i went to pay the parking.. then go to my car..
drove to the gate... guess wat....?
the ticket was lost...

so what happen then?
i search EVERYWHERE..
didn't find it...
so i decide to go back and search for it..
guess what again...

i dropped it on the parking spot...
 = =
i guess i am still drunk... XD

drove back home,
and guess what?!
i think i lost the ring i just bought yesterday..

so guess what...
when i rushed out this evening around 3.30pm...
i didn't every wear it.. hahaha
its on my bed, safe n sound.. haha

so that's it...
good night, guys!!

(photos coming soon)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

medical checkup

i only have 1 thing to say...
"it was really weird for peeing in a cup..."
= =

went for medical checkup today,
its required for visa application

the 1st time, result shown high protein..
= =
said it might due to drinking not enough water..
i think its leftover...
so i have to pee once again,
plus extra charge RM15...

the whole thing finished in 2hours
headed home after that...

i really need a beer these days..
stressful and exam is coming..
plus, lost the motivation to workout
can feel the fatty dummy enlarging
guys, give me some motivating speech please...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

orthodontic braces

went for ortho checkup/service this evening
this is required every month
it was estimated i need to continue this treatment for another 3visits
but i'm planning to go Australia, exchange program coming july
which mean i might could not finish the treatment in time

so i asked my orthodontist this time,
"if i choose to take more pain, 
can this treatment end faster?
or this doesn't work like that?"
she answered, 
"yes, we cannot do that everytime"

so then she put in some more things
which i can start to feel the pain 5minutes later
even more pain when i chew..
i really hope this is a wise move...

my advice to friends:
if u want to do this, ortho
u don't need to choose a nice beautiful day
u don't need to plan this because u're having exam or busy
just find a good clinic and make appointment!
if u wait and wait and wait again..
u'll NEVER do it!!
then, when u finally come out to work,
only u pick this period to do braces,
in my opinion, 
its not appropriate lo
on your age and stage of life
its, more pain now - less regret in future

Sunday, May 16, 2010


the minute i finished writing the previous post...
guess what happened??

i tasted funny taste in my mouth..
sweet and salty...
omg i think i know what is this...
its so sudden
i didn't accidentally bitten it or anything..
it just... bleed... = =
didn't hurt at all!!
so weird..

hope this can disrupt your meal.. haha!!
still fresh... LOL

a night out

just came back from The Curve
i went for it in the end, so the next 2 nights will be @@
went for dinner at Fridays with 4 gals and 2 guys
the food was nice, my 1st try
but quite expensive...
took us 20min to separate the bill = =

so afterward, we were going for movies
but all full... someone suggested horror movie
quite disappointed didn't manage to watch..
*sad* XD

so the after plan is...
either Library, Laundry or Sanctuary
we went for laundry, dirty shirt...
so just order 1 bucket, coz some people don drink
i tried to play with the 'hitting bottle head, bubble out' game
in the end, 1 of the bottle's head crack... XD
1st time...
so anyway, we start talking about guys-girls relationship
girls can't stand the truth of... just the truth..
so its called ugly truth
girls describe themselves so complicated until i lost the interest..
= =
guys are simple,
in my opinion,
guys do a lot of things to make girls happy
but in the end, we only expect simple things in return
just simple return *GG*
so it is ugly, but true..
(the girl try to smack me with a glass bottle by telling the truth)

in a relationship period,
there are always a situation of...
you telling your partner you gonna do something that she don't like
but you think its better to tell her rather than she finds out in a bad way
so you told..
and she gets mad..
but... neither you tell her or not
she will be mad.. so its wise to tell her right?
this is called crazy dilemma
for crazy people
who want to live in crazy land

didn't manage to get picture today,
having so much fun, forgot about it
part of the fun is, i think i win in the argument....
so, that's it!!
oh ya, and i done this...
i made them laugh.. LOL