just came back from The Curve
i went for it in the end, so the next 2 nights will be @@
went for dinner at Fridays with 4 gals and 2 guys
the food was nice, my 1st try
but quite expensive...
took us 20min to separate the bill = =
so afterward, we were going for movies
but all full... someone suggested horror movie
quite disappointed didn't manage to watch..
*sad* XD
so the after plan is...
either Library, Laundry or Sanctuary
we went for laundry, dirty shirt...
so just order 1 bucket, coz some people don drink
i tried to play with the 'hitting bottle head, bubble out' game
in the end, 1 of the bottle's head crack... XD
1st time...
so anyway, we start talking about guys-girls relationship
girls can't stand the truth of... just the truth..
so its called ugly truth
girls describe themselves so complicated until i lost the interest..
= =
guys are simple,
in my opinion,
guys do a lot of things to make girls happy
but in the end, we only expect simple things in return
just simple return *GG*
so it is ugly, but true..
(the girl try to smack me with a glass bottle by telling the truth)
in a relationship period,
there are always a situation of...
you telling your partner you gonna do something that she don't like
but you think its better to tell her rather than she finds out in a bad way
so you told..
and she gets mad..
but... neither you tell her or not
she will be mad.. so its wise to tell her right?
this is called crazy dilemma
for crazy people
who want to live in crazy land
didn't manage to get picture today,
having so much fun, forgot about it
part of the fun is, i think i win in the argument....
so, that's it!!
oh ya, and i done this...
i made them laugh.. LOL

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