Wednesday, May 19, 2010

orthodontic braces

went for ortho checkup/service this evening
this is required every month
it was estimated i need to continue this treatment for another 3visits
but i'm planning to go Australia, exchange program coming july
which mean i might could not finish the treatment in time

so i asked my orthodontist this time,
"if i choose to take more pain, 
can this treatment end faster?
or this doesn't work like that?"
she answered, 
"yes, we cannot do that everytime"

so then she put in some more things
which i can start to feel the pain 5minutes later
even more pain when i chew..
i really hope this is a wise move...

my advice to friends:
if u want to do this, ortho
u don't need to choose a nice beautiful day
u don't need to plan this because u're having exam or busy
just find a good clinic and make appointment!
if u wait and wait and wait again..
u'll NEVER do it!!
then, when u finally come out to work,
only u pick this period to do braces,
in my opinion, 
its not appropriate lo
on your age and stage of life
its, more pain now - less regret in future

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