its been a month from the malacca trip
i could say it still as like yesterday.
what i've been doing all this long without updating the blog?
its not the topic here
lets talk bout the trip then,
it was 22 Jan, my birthday..
if u all wasn't notice
and its 21st
and it was the first time i felt nothing from my family
rather than my friends.
i was depart from house morning, 10am i guess
went to sunway pyramid waiting for pickup,
played psp for awhile...
Tanyang and all arrived who Hikari was driving
bla bla bla, nothing to tell..
went to Hikari's place waiting for the prince and the princess,
was late for an hour!!!
donno it was her make-up didnt went on or his beauty sleep got extended
finally depart to have brunch (i search dictionary, there really a word 'brunch'!! LOL)
at subang parade.. i guess.. i really dono the place...
we walk walk walk, sat down at secret recipe, i guess im the one who decide to eat there
its still quite a 'morning' to me.. blur..
then there was pre-meal chating
i gonna talk bout this..
look at his,
"this is mine.. MINE!!"
*ngek ngek ngek*
face.. lol
and there was my birthday cake... in pieces
it was wonderful... thx guys..
then it was the long journey to malacca..
like 3 hours?
not to mention the hot bright shining sun projected through the windows.. = =
anyway, we arrived at Afamosa Resort around 4pm
we were not staying here..
and not here..
yeah... its here...
first thing first,
sitting around doing nothing
oh ya, they have astro.. watching basketball match i guess..
then it was..
i cant find any square table.. so..
so put pieces of cupboard shelf board on the rectangle dining table..
LOL.. lets play..
it was kinda nice..
taste was better than most of the chinese restaurant in KL
unlike the small place like, here, ah mau oso can be chef in KL.
before i talk bout the drinking fiesta
which was started around 10pm..
we were playing mahjong after dinner..
however, the rest was playing donno what game and throwing dice with random actions..
punish using soft drinks...
tanyang was so bad luck, drank almost 2 litre in 30min.. LOL
bladder almost burst.. XD
so the drinking real stuff starts
if im not mistaken it was just 1:3 ratio
half-time!! David was on the phone.. asking about GJ's birthday party
whether im staying at GJ's afterwards..
but i was @@...
so.. "wassup!!" "yaya" "right~" "sure!!"
im not gonna show u guys all the pictures and photos about anything happened in the game.. all the punishment n stuff..
but its pretty much just:
laughing with no reason, dancing, pole dancing, stripping, and stripping,
jumping shirtless, kissing on cheek and some unwillingness..
i will not post on facebook as well.. so, stop dribbling
so.. this was after then... pretty much... it..
it was the suitable way for me to turn 21st.. XD
we all go to sleep.. bla bla bla.. the end
second day in Malacca,
we went to the famous Jonker Street
for lunch,
chicken riceball
for the second times, it just like the ordinary chicken rice
it doesnt taste better for the rice in tong yun shape
for dessert,
crashed ice under hot day..
they also sell some weird flavour
like.. who would try durian ice...
i rather eat the real fruit..
so.. go try next time~
for souvenir,
pineapple tart..
i cant remember the shop name.. but they have their huge tart on display..
its beside the main street...
then we have our high tea at Thong Shui House
recommended by Hueyjen's friend at Malacca...
pretty nice~
then, we head to the shore/port for sea view
not pretty.. but the sea wind was comforting..
this photo, i guess its taken by accident..
or we have a really skillful photographer... LOL
tanyang was cheering me up and hand on my shoulder for.. like 1~2sec..
well done man...
for dinner,
Zao Jiuu (same old? @@)
satay celup~~
my first time...
and that was how much we had..
taste was... ok..
not fascinate to me..
but ok~
then, we headed back to resort..
like to start what we left off yerterday.
but notice all the liquor were MISSING!!!
and the house was clean-up..
house keeper came who we didnt ask for
there is nothing we can do, but to wait until tomorrow morning when the workers wake up
in the morning they sent 2 house keepers to our front door
claiming they did not steal the bottles or mistaken throw away
but why is that the empty soda bottle didnt throw away
but the liquor bottles with half fulled were threw away?
saying they are muslim who does not drink
and try to accuse us hide it somewhere so we can get to their backs
let me tell u, this is bullshit
everyone at their review section already giving bad comment and rating..
now they just digging a grave for themselves.
its only about time they run out of funds and drown
GJ went to get birthday cake for Hueyjen who was birthday on that sunday
instead of cake... he got pizza.. LOL
no cake house in town + its after 9pm.. lol
it was hilarious
after that, we swam/play in the private pool..
pushing people into water...
i don remember much of it
so there are no details about it..
we slept earlier that night..
its sunday and Gj birthday party was in the night..
so we headed back KL in the morning right after checkout...
so its pretty much it for the malacca trip..
it was my first time to spent birthday like this...
it was pretty much fun...

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