not gonna talk about the trip n some of the outings yet..
coz lack of photos for upload, showing u guys...
let's see what i did today thn.. XD
first of all, i was gonna start the paint job in early morning 8am,
but, bcoz of the drinking night before today,
didn't get enough of sleep.. = =
in the end job start at 12.. afternoon.. where the sun is right on top.
swt -.-|||
a lot
oh ya, i'm painting the gate..
under the OMG bright sun~
(just between u n me.. some of my sweats dripped into the paint i'm holding..
ewwww!!! i know.. hahaha)
this is 'before'
and 'after'
i know!! right? i done a pretty great job.. XD
(assisted by my bro, YiMing)
this complete in 3hours..
for the rest of the day? i went to office give a helping hand..
honestly, i didn't get to help much..
i'm a lazy selfish person as they know..
i'm planning to go monash campus tomorrow...
gonna meet friends, goujoon and sharon (who going to Australia coming Tuesday)
copying photos that i needed for updating blog and saying goodbye to them
so until then, keep on trollin'
(updated 11.34pm)
gone to end my day with a warm cozy bath..
after rinsing for 1 sec...
arms burning like hell!!!
guess wat... sunburn = =
great....... .... ..

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