Thursday, April 15, 2010


this post is not about ME or U
is for everyone
if you agree, just nod silently
or send me message on the side bar
if not, leave your comments below

why are girls that sleeping around called slut?
but when guys do it called stud.
Guys think about sex all the time
because it's so hard for us to get
and for Girls, they don't have to worry about it
because they don't have to work on it..
"NO! we do!!"
ohh.. bullshit
if a complete stranger come up to you asking,
"you wan have sex?" would you?
exactly, because girls think that want to know you better and crap first...
guys don't care about personalities as long as you get down
then, girls try to call guys - slut
but it's not gonna happen~
because it's so hard for guys to pickup chicks,
and so when we do, we look like heroes!
but for girls, its so easy, so the society looks down on them...

so now, the girls want the title - stud
but here's the thing, it ain't gonna happen
NO girls has to work to get laid
guys do, we have to work with everything
(until your mom also can't recognise [cantonese])

your granny,
can go to a club and sit by the bar
then she still can pickup a guy
but if your grandpa go to a club
that boy will get kicked in the nuts and maced

when you see a chick that you like,
you have to take her to movies,
dinner, the museum, coffee, this shit, that shit..
you have to sit there to listen about her stories
about cats and all..
so after you been chasing her for months now
and you walk up to her *limping and limping*,
and she tell you, "let's just be friends"
after all that? i listened to your cat stories, girl
but there's nothing you can do cause she chose that
and now you have to limp home
that is the life of a regular guy

6 girls walked into a bar
and you like one of them
you can't just approach and talk to the one that you like
that's 'anti-social', NO
you have to entertain all of them
you have to laugh, dance, jokes, do tricks
then try to slip right to the one you actually interested in
but when you turn around,
another ugly one try to cockblock you by talking to the girl you like
and you're done, girls always trust each others whatever they say

for a sexy girls,
they can just lay there and pretty much it, the works is done..
they don't have to do anything if they don't want to
as a guy,
you have to rise to the occasion,
we have to be in the right size,
we have to be the right attitude

so, in this world of cockblockery and rejections
there is a species called stud who can balance it all
what they look like and what they do?
actually they are just like regular guys
they did what a regular guys do
they take you to dinner,
the only difference is,
when you talk about your sad cat stories,
he cries...
and when you talk about your favorites,
he cries some more
because he likes those things too!!
he's the perfect guy for you!!
then you take him home, you two make love
and you felt it's magical and sparkle
and you look in his eyes, he look in yours
then he say, "hey, let's just be friends"
and then, grab his shits and leave
that's the stud...

there is no any lesson in these stuff
it just the thing we see in our lives
btw, i just randomly/unintentionally found these info from youtube
then decided to write it down...
a lot of guys and girls consistently agree with the statements
(please leave comments)

1 comment:

  1. i dono wat u pointing at..
    tis tend to be more like america style...
