Friday, April 9, 2010

so, what do u see in me?

few days ago,
a guy said, i'm low profile
which then i went to look for the proper definition..
(its holiday, i do silly stuff during holidays, don judge)
so it is, "A state of low visibility in which public notice is avoided"
i guess, i will admit that i am..
person who born with disability
most-attention is the last thing we need

back in the days,
i used to ask most people i know
"what do u see in me?"
"what kind of guy i am?"
"am i less a dude asking these kind of questions? yeah, u do"
"is this a microphone?" (Jaychou)
"is this a cup?" (Jaychou)
yeah, it was annoying.. 
i meant me..

so, now?
still asking question but a different kind now..
"how my chest look?"
"izzit obvious?"
keep it to yourself, man
u're fucking annoying

oh ya~
i met an old friend back from high school..
he got himself a new cellphone
i don remember the model
but it came with a 8MP camera
and he shot himself every single moment of his day
i was thinking..
his doing in front of me and posing..
i was like

joke of the day: my face

1 comment:

  1. you have to be of a higher value than the rest in the room to get something out of somebody.
    nobody wants a low value crap.
    therefore, ordinary is bad. low profile is not good. special is the key.
