Sunday, April 25, 2010

stressful week, another end of weekdays..

went out to sunway pyramid for movie after '2 assignment and an online test in a week' just now
with irene, ks, dave.. 
we watched KICK-ASS. 
the movie was great.
it got all the jokes, funny moments, and suddenly it got serious and shit..
kinda 'WTF' then back to funny parts.
on and off.. so overall i gave it a 'great'

so, when it comes to a question,
if you granted a superpower,
what would you want it to be?
and what kind of power you don't want?
for me, i would like any ability that can avoid all the crazy traffic and bad design of roads in this crazy traffic place... = =
and i don't want the ability of invisibility from ladies.. (too..)

what's yours? leave it on the comment section BELOW.. 
not the side chat bar this time, dude
yes, im talking to you, dude..
the only guy that ever reply on that bar..
yes, U dude..

after that movie, we went to Asia Cafe for dinner
i had a Vietnamese cuisine chicken chop thingy
and a spring roll thingy..
its nice, i had it before
so don't trol that "this guy dono what a good meal is"
don't do that, i can see your thinking through your eyes...

and part of the reason we at AC is because
our dear dave wanna play pool..
hands itchy i heard...
he was pretty proud of himself about some curve ball 3 times in 4 games...
here's your trophy through blogspot...

so we then went back home around 12am.. something
tired... = = yawn~

at the time im driving home,
i realised that i was in the mood like i was high from drinking for the whole day
which was quite... sporting i guess~ :P
didn't worry so much about everything, which is less stress and more relieved...
just have fun!!!

i reached home, browsing through facebook...
saw someone and i realised another thing..
i went to a shop in pyramid today..
i think that friend is working there..
i think i see the friend??? (doubtful)
but i was too busy thinking about the test i just did
like ~20min ago..
i didn't even realise the friend's existence..
felt pretty bad of myself, that i unintentionally ignored the friend..
(if it goes to me, i wouldn't like people ignore me as well)
who shouldn't be ignoring..
feel bad~

anyway, every now and then, i'll post some motivating poster..
i think its pretty cool to do that..
to help you~
to help me~

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