Wednesday, April 14, 2010

type of food?

the weather in M'sia,
its like, two locations just 10km apart
will have big difference...
woke up in the morning around 9.10am
stepped out and looked into the sky
its like huge wind and dark
so i went back inside to grab a coat
drove to sunway,
and its like sunshine on top of my head.. = =

back to the topic,
people have different kind of appetite (for life)
some are restrained by their own religion
some are just picky
some are just don't like it for some weird reason...

i got 2 example from friends,
(not gonna show names, until approval)
1st one, we call him D.
he don't like seafood,
anykind of seafood,
i meant ANYKIND
fish, crab, prawn, anything from sea..
even if it's after manufactured,
fishball, crabball, prawnball...
he just don't like the taste..
but he's a big fan of chick-
but look on the bright side,
he helped to save alot of $$
coz seafood are generally more expensive than any other food

another, we call him W.
he don't eat vegetable..
ok.. this is just wrong
more than the previous chicken guy..
he lost alot of nutrient he can get from vege,
but his body shape is thinner than i am

for me,
i don't have any particular like or dislike
but there is 1 thing
i don't eat deep fried food, like only once in a month
reason is nature of my body,
what the traditional chinese medicine called heat-base?
whenever i consume these stuff (slight larger amount)
pimple easily pop-up
cough, sore throat, then fever
oh ya! and peanuts
is a no-no..

ow.. i DO have something dislike,
just don't like the taste and the smell
just only the scent,
will enough to make me shivery
= =|||

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