not gonna say a lot,
im tired~
thank god its friday, day 5
we, ty ks and i
went to curve for the rest of evening..
1st, it was 5pm movie
we watched Just Another Pandora's Box
it was ridiculously terrible horrible!
don watch, please don watch it..
then, we had our dinner at a-a.....
some american style pizza restaurant...
it was ok... nothing much..
at the time,
ty was concerned about some.. stuff..
ks was got persuaded to follow us back to my place
have more drinks.. but got caught by mom,
and finally 'ting mama de hua'
so, got to go home after that... too bad~
oh btw,
if u drank.. i suppose.. 3~5cans once a week..
actually its not 'a lot' as pronounce..
but if u do that under ur parents watch
most of the time,
for their perception,
"u drank too many"
so they will try to restrict u next time u do it again...
restricting more n more again...
so, i'll not show how much i drank
like keeping my image... XD
we went to The Library, around 9pm+
again for me...
the price was omg,
but it always something happening there...
its fun to watch.. XD
u can watch ppl lying on the street,
got high dancing suddenly..
we, 3guys
got there start drinking beer..
some nachos..
and the 2 start talking about dota bible
i was like O_O
then playing cards...
Rebecca, ty's friend came to join us..
around 11pm+
then we start playing some drinking games..
it get crazier n crazier...
i was gonna show a picture of how big laugh ks had
but.. it turns out, it was ugly, lets be honest.. haha
i was going O_O "weeeeeeee" "yeahhhh"
lol.. it was fun~
partly was got to know someone so much fun...
we go home around 3am..
i fetched ks home, using ty's car.. he was kinda scared, i think. lol
coz it manual + non-power steering + he look at me like i was drunk
(although i was 50% fulled)
after that, i drive back to sunway to pick up my car,
wow.. there are A LOT of africans at medan at night..
i didnt expect that.. wow..
anyway, so ty was staying a night at my place..
before we sleep, i opened a bottle of wine..
it was a cheap no-quality wine..
nvm.. only the alc % counts...
went in bed.. we are still talking..
wow.. i can feel that.. he drank lot more than me..
he keep talking n talking.. XD
actually i don remember much of it.. XD

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