Saturday, May 29, 2010

newly wed.

congratz to my sis and bro-in-law newly wed
wish their love last forever

this blog start with the catering night at my house..
i went back home around 6pm
coz late lecture...
however, back home, everything was setup.
and smells great!!!
some relatives and friends came... 
chit chat~
i serve my friends the barcadi apple in my room
and play monopoly DEAL...
fun, strategic, and not much drunkin or 'weeee' feeling

however, my friends went back around 10pm
my parents started setting up the ceremony of 'combing'
LOL (dono wat it should be called)
anyway, everything when well..
my mom started get emotional when the third combing
and made my sis cry abit...

the night ended around 12pm
then parents still planning about the guest list for tomorrow wedding dinner
so finally they went in bed around 2pm..
 = =
every1 woke up in the other morning around 6~7am

preparing for the morning session
invitation/taking bride? LOL
it was so new for me, everything..
i actually speechless..
you can see it all through some pictures
(coming soon)

at 11.30pm,
brothers and i drove to the new house, sis and bro-in-law's
we, brothers have to follow,
as they called 'accompany married'? 陪嫁
then it when through the same thing over again...
except the little human jumping on the bed.. XD
(coming soon)

when back home,
i tried to get a  nap before heading to the restaurant, dinner preparation..
but.. there was no time actually.. = =
so we head to Jaya33 at 3.30pm
Oriental Pavillion.
my job was to setup computer for the slide shows and beer management
everything turn out fine..
it seem that the slide shows was quite a success... (for some who interested)
then final step before the night ended...
is to go every table 'yum sheng!!'
i didn't actually follow..
because, they didn't plan a seat for us, brothers.. = =
we have to find a empty seat ourselves and get the rest time we have to eat
and eat like pigs.. = = (ngoik ngoik ngoik)
so we stay put at the table until they come...
"YUM SHENG"!!!!!
sister pour us full glass of wine..
we did finished it all in seconds...
and ever since, all 'wing wing' ~ = =

this night was fun....
so finally, congratz to my sis and bro-in-law again..
happily for the rest of their lives...

so... what happened after?
go back lah..
i went to pay the parking.. then go to my car..
drove to the gate... guess wat....?
the ticket was lost...

so what happen then?
i search EVERYWHERE..
didn't find it...
so i decide to go back and search for it..
guess what again...

i dropped it on the parking spot...
 = =
i guess i am still drunk... XD

drove back home,
and guess what?!
i think i lost the ring i just bought yesterday..

so guess what...
when i rushed out this evening around 3.30pm...
i didn't every wear it.. hahaha
its on my bed, safe n sound.. haha

so that's it...
good night, guys!!

(photos coming soon)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

medical checkup

i only have 1 thing to say...
"it was really weird for peeing in a cup..."
= =

went for medical checkup today,
its required for visa application

the 1st time, result shown high protein..
= =
said it might due to drinking not enough water..
i think its leftover...
so i have to pee once again,
plus extra charge RM15...

the whole thing finished in 2hours
headed home after that...

i really need a beer these days..
stressful and exam is coming..
plus, lost the motivation to workout
can feel the fatty dummy enlarging
guys, give me some motivating speech please...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

orthodontic braces

went for ortho checkup/service this evening
this is required every month
it was estimated i need to continue this treatment for another 3visits
but i'm planning to go Australia, exchange program coming july
which mean i might could not finish the treatment in time

so i asked my orthodontist this time,
"if i choose to take more pain, 
can this treatment end faster?
or this doesn't work like that?"
she answered, 
"yes, we cannot do that everytime"

so then she put in some more things
which i can start to feel the pain 5minutes later
even more pain when i chew..
i really hope this is a wise move...

my advice to friends:
if u want to do this, ortho
u don't need to choose a nice beautiful day
u don't need to plan this because u're having exam or busy
just find a good clinic and make appointment!
if u wait and wait and wait again..
u'll NEVER do it!!
then, when u finally come out to work,
only u pick this period to do braces,
in my opinion, 
its not appropriate lo
on your age and stage of life
its, more pain now - less regret in future

Sunday, May 16, 2010


the minute i finished writing the previous post...
guess what happened??

i tasted funny taste in my mouth..
sweet and salty...
omg i think i know what is this...
its so sudden
i didn't accidentally bitten it or anything..
it just... bleed... = =
didn't hurt at all!!
so weird..

hope this can disrupt your meal.. haha!!
still fresh... LOL

a night out

just came back from The Curve
i went for it in the end, so the next 2 nights will be @@
went for dinner at Fridays with 4 gals and 2 guys
the food was nice, my 1st try
but quite expensive...
took us 20min to separate the bill = =

so afterward, we were going for movies
but all full... someone suggested horror movie
quite disappointed didn't manage to watch..
*sad* XD

so the after plan is...
either Library, Laundry or Sanctuary
we went for laundry, dirty shirt...
so just order 1 bucket, coz some people don drink
i tried to play with the 'hitting bottle head, bubble out' game
in the end, 1 of the bottle's head crack... XD
1st time...
so anyway, we start talking about guys-girls relationship
girls can't stand the truth of... just the truth..
so its called ugly truth
girls describe themselves so complicated until i lost the interest..
= =
guys are simple,
in my opinion,
guys do a lot of things to make girls happy
but in the end, we only expect simple things in return
just simple return *GG*
so it is ugly, but true..
(the girl try to smack me with a glass bottle by telling the truth)

in a relationship period,
there are always a situation of...
you telling your partner you gonna do something that she don't like
but you think its better to tell her rather than she finds out in a bad way
so you told..
and she gets mad..
but... neither you tell her or not
she will be mad.. so its wise to tell her right?
this is called crazy dilemma
for crazy people
who want to live in crazy land

didn't manage to get picture today,
having so much fun, forgot about it
part of the fun is, i think i win in the argument....
so, that's it!!
oh ya, and i done this...
i made them laugh.. LOL

Friday, May 14, 2010

another electric shock

electricity cut off just a minute ago.. again!!!
another WTF..
didn't attach the battery again
and this time is more severe
starting, i couldn't get into the Windows
like, stuck at the welcome screen
so i reset, and went into safe mode,
did a system restore
everything seem fine afterwards..
scared the crap out of me.. = =

OmG !!!

good morning, friends, internet, anonymous people
i didn't get to sleep 'last night'/this morning
i was studying AIS for online test
and i finished the test by 4.30am
awesome huh? LOL

at the time i was gonna post a status on FB
something like, "1 down 2 to go"
then suddenly,
*PIK* (blackout)
*PIU~~~uuuuu~~*  (laptop lost power)
(btw, battery was unattached)
i was like... 
= =
super-siong to my laptop, sad~
but lucky that i get to finished n submit the online test before the incident
it was so funneh that i used PSP instead of torchlight

not gonna go to sleep now..
later 8am class, 7am start engine..
i know im not gonna wake up if i go to bed now.. = =

so... to be continue after i finish the coming assignment..
i guess...

morning moral,

oh BTW,
leave me some opinion/suggestion/comment about,
i got a assignment due on monday afternoon,
another on friday afternoon..
coming saturday, friends organising a gathering at
the curve...
far away.. and its night activity..
should i? otherwise?

♥ have a nice day ♥

Monday, May 10, 2010

just another upgrade

went to Lowyat just now, afternoon
because my Seagate 500GB broke down..
sad.. i know
lucky i got to backup almost all files in it
and the important one's ofcoz
if u know what i mean.. LOL

and i bought a 1TB WD MyBook Essential, unfortunately
i guess will say, my total memory: 800GB
from laptop and seagate was not enough for me
it cost me RM309 for it
i think it's good investment, short run..
what i afraid is, other shops selling RM350+
wondering is there any faulty...
let's hope NOT

however, it look nice rite?
short post.. busy busy busy...

Ip Man 2 and Iron Man 2

this is happened 2 weeks ago and last week
as the title respectively...
with same people/person.. (sien~)

both movies are great,
same blockbuster movie at the same release time..
kinda insane

ip man 2!!
personally, i think only the fighting part is awesome
other than that, story was ok,
dialogues, some, are ridiculous

iron man 2!!!
 i really thinks this movie is incredibly awesome
all the new tech all the new jokes
only that, they changed Rhodey.. shame~
and i don understand why people complain the movie's not good...

recently, i had a dinner at this place in Sunway Pyramid
i cant remember exactly what the name is
it just at the asian avenue, near shilin
this was what i ordered
cordon bleu pasta, and fries.. salad as appetiser
it was great!!
go try their food.. fantastic
not something that come out from tin and jug food

that's it, thanks for reading...
and the moral of the day

Sunday, April 25, 2010

stressful week, another end of weekdays..

went out to sunway pyramid for movie after '2 assignment and an online test in a week' just now
with irene, ks, dave.. 
we watched KICK-ASS. 
the movie was great.
it got all the jokes, funny moments, and suddenly it got serious and shit..
kinda 'WTF' then back to funny parts.
on and off.. so overall i gave it a 'great'

so, when it comes to a question,
if you granted a superpower,
what would you want it to be?
and what kind of power you don't want?
for me, i would like any ability that can avoid all the crazy traffic and bad design of roads in this crazy traffic place... = =
and i don't want the ability of invisibility from ladies.. (too..)

what's yours? leave it on the comment section BELOW.. 
not the side chat bar this time, dude
yes, im talking to you, dude..
the only guy that ever reply on that bar..
yes, U dude..

after that movie, we went to Asia Cafe for dinner
i had a Vietnamese cuisine chicken chop thingy
and a spring roll thingy..
its nice, i had it before
so don't trol that "this guy dono what a good meal is"
don't do that, i can see your thinking through your eyes...

and part of the reason we at AC is because
our dear dave wanna play pool..
hands itchy i heard...
he was pretty proud of himself about some curve ball 3 times in 4 games...
here's your trophy through blogspot...

so we then went back home around 12am.. something
tired... = = yawn~

at the time im driving home,
i realised that i was in the mood like i was high from drinking for the whole day
which was quite... sporting i guess~ :P
didn't worry so much about everything, which is less stress and more relieved...
just have fun!!!

i reached home, browsing through facebook...
saw someone and i realised another thing..
i went to a shop in pyramid today..
i think that friend is working there..
i think i see the friend??? (doubtful)
but i was too busy thinking about the test i just did
like ~20min ago..
i didn't even realise the friend's existence..
felt pretty bad of myself, that i unintentionally ignored the friend..
(if it goes to me, i wouldn't like people ignore me as well)
who shouldn't be ignoring..
feel bad~

anyway, every now and then, i'll post some motivating poster..
i think its pretty cool to do that..
to help you~
to help me~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just another quotation

When you're little
night time is scary
because there are monsters hiding under the bed

when you get older,
the monsters, are different...


and though you older and wiser,
you still find yourself scared of the dark...

Thursday, April 15, 2010


this post is not about ME or U
is for everyone
if you agree, just nod silently
or send me message on the side bar
if not, leave your comments below

why are girls that sleeping around called slut?
but when guys do it called stud.
Guys think about sex all the time
because it's so hard for us to get
and for Girls, they don't have to worry about it
because they don't have to work on it..
"NO! we do!!"
ohh.. bullshit
if a complete stranger come up to you asking,
"you wan have sex?" would you?
exactly, because girls think that want to know you better and crap first...
guys don't care about personalities as long as you get down
then, girls try to call guys - slut
but it's not gonna happen~
because it's so hard for guys to pickup chicks,
and so when we do, we look like heroes!
but for girls, its so easy, so the society looks down on them...

so now, the girls want the title - stud
but here's the thing, it ain't gonna happen
NO girls has to work to get laid
guys do, we have to work with everything
(until your mom also can't recognise [cantonese])

your granny,
can go to a club and sit by the bar
then she still can pickup a guy
but if your grandpa go to a club
that boy will get kicked in the nuts and maced

when you see a chick that you like,
you have to take her to movies,
dinner, the museum, coffee, this shit, that shit..
you have to sit there to listen about her stories
about cats and all..
so after you been chasing her for months now
and you walk up to her *limping and limping*,
and she tell you, "let's just be friends"
after all that? i listened to your cat stories, girl
but there's nothing you can do cause she chose that
and now you have to limp home
that is the life of a regular guy

6 girls walked into a bar
and you like one of them
you can't just approach and talk to the one that you like
that's 'anti-social', NO
you have to entertain all of them
you have to laugh, dance, jokes, do tricks
then try to slip right to the one you actually interested in
but when you turn around,
another ugly one try to cockblock you by talking to the girl you like
and you're done, girls always trust each others whatever they say

for a sexy girls,
they can just lay there and pretty much it, the works is done..
they don't have to do anything if they don't want to
as a guy,
you have to rise to the occasion,
we have to be in the right size,
we have to be the right attitude

so, in this world of cockblockery and rejections
there is a species called stud who can balance it all
what they look like and what they do?
actually they are just like regular guys
they did what a regular guys do
they take you to dinner,
the only difference is,
when you talk about your sad cat stories,
he cries...
and when you talk about your favorites,
he cries some more
because he likes those things too!!
he's the perfect guy for you!!
then you take him home, you two make love
and you felt it's magical and sparkle
and you look in his eyes, he look in yours
then he say, "hey, let's just be friends"
and then, grab his shits and leave
that's the stud...

there is no any lesson in these stuff
it just the thing we see in our lives
btw, i just randomly/unintentionally found these info from youtube
then decided to write it down...
a lot of guys and girls consistently agree with the statements
(please leave comments)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

type of food?

the weather in M'sia,
its like, two locations just 10km apart
will have big difference...
woke up in the morning around 9.10am
stepped out and looked into the sky
its like huge wind and dark
so i went back inside to grab a coat
drove to sunway,
and its like sunshine on top of my head.. = =

back to the topic,
people have different kind of appetite (for life)
some are restrained by their own religion
some are just picky
some are just don't like it for some weird reason...

i got 2 example from friends,
(not gonna show names, until approval)
1st one, we call him D.
he don't like seafood,
anykind of seafood,
i meant ANYKIND
fish, crab, prawn, anything from sea..
even if it's after manufactured,
fishball, crabball, prawnball...
he just don't like the taste..
but he's a big fan of chick-
but look on the bright side,
he helped to save alot of $$
coz seafood are generally more expensive than any other food

another, we call him W.
he don't eat vegetable..
ok.. this is just wrong
more than the previous chicken guy..
he lost alot of nutrient he can get from vege,
but his body shape is thinner than i am

for me,
i don't have any particular like or dislike
but there is 1 thing
i don't eat deep fried food, like only once in a month
reason is nature of my body,
what the traditional chinese medicine called heat-base?
whenever i consume these stuff (slight larger amount)
pimple easily pop-up
cough, sore throat, then fever
oh ya! and peanuts
is a no-no..

ow.. i DO have something dislike,
just don't like the taste and the smell
just only the scent,
will enough to make me shivery
= =|||

Monday, April 12, 2010

NEWS: 5th of april at OUG plazza

OUG Plaza, also known as Parkson to the regional people
its only around 800m away from my home
a armed robbery just happened there
5th of April at 2.45pm

2 robber went into POH KONG next to McDonald's
after confronted two security guard at the entrance
took away bags of gold
they never know there is another armed guard at the back of the shop
the guard came out, shot one of the robber in the abdomen

they tried to flee through the McDonald's exit next shop
the robber who been shot collapse at the exit..
the worst part is,
his partner just a few meters away
came back for the bag of gold on his hand
and shot him twice before leaving..

as we know, 
its 12-3pm lunch offer at McD at that time
bunch of people at the place
few people got head trauma
all the shops closed for business for several days after the incident

5 days later, i went to get a McD lunch with my bro
looks like most of the McD workers back to normal
but some are still looking at the same spot
when there is no customer
looks like its the spot where the robber dropped dead

this is a crazy world,
you will never know what's gonna happen next
be grateful for what you have..

this is the link for the news: Click Me!

sorry for inappropriate joke in advance...
be sure to rob a bank with some 'partner' you trust
probably say NO to drug abuse guys
(not that i encouraging)

Friday, April 9, 2010

so far...

its EASTER holiday
i suppose to do revision, homework, assignment
that's what everyone is saying, i presume

but instead,
i am playing computer games, 
looking for funny videos on youtube,
watching lastest dvdrip downloadable movies
watching series (Grey's and chuck)
pretty much nothing study related..

oh, at least i did some chores
exercise on schedule..
and lately, helping my sister and brother-in-law
to make a wedding slide show for their wedding night...

my life is boring as usual..
but lately, i feeling relieved
dono from what.. but happier..

i guess i am finally understand that
its not how people treated you and think of you
its how you treat people and think of yourself

i am just trying to say.. 

so, what do u see in me?

few days ago,
a guy said, i'm low profile
which then i went to look for the proper definition..
(its holiday, i do silly stuff during holidays, don judge)
so it is, "A state of low visibility in which public notice is avoided"
i guess, i will admit that i am..
person who born with disability
most-attention is the last thing we need

back in the days,
i used to ask most people i know
"what do u see in me?"
"what kind of guy i am?"
"am i less a dude asking these kind of questions? yeah, u do"
"is this a microphone?" (Jaychou)
"is this a cup?" (Jaychou)
yeah, it was annoying.. 
i meant me..

so, now?
still asking question but a different kind now..
"how my chest look?"
"izzit obvious?"
keep it to yourself, man
u're fucking annoying

oh ya~
i met an old friend back from high school..
he got himself a new cellphone
i don remember the model
but it came with a 8MP camera
and he shot himself every single moment of his day
i was thinking..
his doing in front of me and posing..
i was like

joke of the day: my face

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

who am i kidding

on the day 7,
i did something out of my plan,
guess the rule just changed...

i made myself consistent in doing workout
for like,
over a half year...
but i cant consistent on doing revisions, studies..
which is the most important job for our lives now...
i barely made it out from the 2nd semester,
picking such major i don even like..
talking in the 'language' that i genuinely not fully understand myself saying

this is day 10,
i am having a class test on friday
and im still not preparing for it
FML? lol

so, TY was asking me to update this blog,
i answered, my schedule was kinda tied up this week..
actually just this week i have an extra test in schedule,
i made it sound hard..
coz i still haven't catch up to all my work
even though its week 5 ALREADY.....

i don usually say that the schedule tie up
coz my weeks never tie up before,
u can notice that,
im always 1 call away,
i always accept the offer of outings and activities
except exam week...
i always believe that,
WE are the one who control our schedule and time management,
not the other way around...
We always given a choice,
a decision...
so whenever i got a invitation,
i always clear the schedule,
spend time with my dear friends,
and put extra time on the work i suppose to do on that time range...

i wanna admit that,
my personality, style, common knowledge, experiences
haven't get a significant change ever since end of pre-U
it sucks,
when u get to see everyone around u,
is getting mature everyday..
but u are still in the same state..

even though its feels like time to make a change,
but it seem like, i lost the interest..
interest of picking up girls
having that love and caring feels
(my parents should be happy to hear this,
my son doesnt like dating anymore!!
like a dream come true)

thats all for now
going to start reading,
see how it goes...

oh btw,
i went for haircut 2 days ago
the haircut kinda made me looks more tanned... lol

pretty lame...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

another fun night

not gonna say a lot,
im tired~

thank god its friday, day 5
we, ty ks and i
went to curve for the rest of evening..
1st, it was 5pm movie
we watched Just Another Pandora's Box
it was ridiculously terrible horrible!
don watch, please don watch it..

then, we had our dinner at a-a.....
some american style pizza restaurant...
it was ok... nothing much..
at the time, 
ty was concerned about some.. stuff..
ks was got persuaded to follow us back to my place
have more drinks.. but got caught by mom,
and finally 'ting mama de hua'
so, got to go home after that... too bad~

oh btw,
if u drank.. i suppose.. 3~5cans once a week..
actually its not 'a lot' as pronounce..
but if u do that under ur parents watch
most of the time,
for their perception,
"u drank too many"
so they will try to restrict u next time u do it again...
restricting more n more again...
so, i'll not show how much i drank
like keeping my image... XD

we went to The Library, around 9pm+
again for me...
the price was omg,
but it always something happening there...
its fun to watch.. XD
u can watch ppl lying on the street,
got high dancing suddenly..

we, 3guys
got there start drinking beer..
some nachos..
and the 2 start talking about dota bible
i was like O_O
then playing cards...
Rebecca, ty's friend came to join us..
around 11pm+ 
then we start playing some drinking games..
it get crazier n crazier...
 i was gonna show a picture of how big laugh ks had
but.. it turns out, it was ugly, lets be honest.. haha
i was going O_O "weeeeeeee" "yeahhhh"
lol.. it was fun~
partly was got to know someone so much fun...

we go home around 3am..
i fetched ks home, using ty's car.. he was kinda scared, i think. lol
coz it manual + non-power steering + he look at me like i was drunk
(although i was 50% fulled)

after that, i drive back to sunway to pick up my car,
wow.. there are A LOT of africans at medan at night..
i didnt expect that.. wow..

anyway, so ty was staying a night at my place..
before we sleep, i opened a bottle of wine..
it was a cheap no-quality wine..
nvm.. only the alc % counts...
went in bed.. we are still talking..
wow.. i can feel that.. he drank lot more than me..
he keep talking n talking.. XD
actually i don remember much of it.. XD

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Day 4,
i dono about the others, 
but i usually cant sleep right away after i jump into bed.
others like get into bed and the next second will be like 'zzzzz'
its amazing!!!

anyway, i usually think stuff while im in bed.. stuff like..
past present future..
no planning, juz think~

and yesterday night, i was thinking,
i have 3 categories of friends in my friend list.
its not much vary among people...
close friends
best friends

and since my social group is extremely small.. 
i can almost name them all in categories...

there are friends, like met not for long
can talk.. chat
can joke... 
some outings..
nothing beyond than that..
usually related more in studies..

there are close friends, who can do more stuff together..
activities like, outings.. trip.. 
can talk more about relationships.. experiences..
things you know lah.. you have bunch of it..

and then there are best friends, who can do everything above
you trusted them, you talk to them about your feelings
you shared.. 
you might back them up when they caught in fights..
(even though you might get beat up good,
but you still do it, coz you know you want to)

for me, i have a few (<5) mayb.. of best friends..
but they are scattered around the globe, 
its pretty hard to get in touch..

sometimes you might turn your feelings-talk to your close friends
bcoz its more convenient
but, that is where the problem starts..
they moght not react like you hope they do; 
like your best friends will give you appropriate, suitable, comforting advices..
so, in the end.. 
you will regret that told anyone about it.. 
better to let in kept to yourself or
let the '-1 close friend' feeling get to u...

so there are past event, present action and future obligation...

ps: this is just a HYPOTHETICAL thought in my head..
nothing to do with me.. LOL =3

Monday, March 22, 2010

40days plan

i've got myself a 40days plan..
its been so long i've work on the-thing
that it frozen me
i hope i can once again care and feel about those minor things
so the plan is, isolation 40days from it

so this is day 1,
its my week4 of 3rd semester
worked on 2 subjects, so far so good
abandoned 1 subject, wanted to go for it
but it seem like 'something' still bothering me
another subject still in silence mode, its ok

supposely, today gonna meet up with a friend back from india, again
but it was given such short notice.
like 12pm only i received the message
and i have to make a choice between,
give up 2 friends and drive in peak hours
(btw, i have to give transportation to my mother before it all...
which i drove almost 1.5hours out of 3hours)
= =
in the end i decided not to do the meeting with friends
but it looks like the plan canceled BECAUSE of me
it sucks
im not gonna take the fault
im not the only 1 can drive among the group
they still can go on with the plan without me

someone told me before,
i have to stop being pushover
stop being someone's 'ahmad'
stop being 'I'll-be-there-whenever-u-call-me'
have to learn to say 'no'

so that is all,
i will try to flip open the 1st page,
start reading...

ps: will be without internet connection for the rest of the week,
modem and router are fried after yesterday lightning storm
i'll miss u, internet~

Sunday, March 21, 2010

from now on...

from now on, 
if there is no picture for the blog, 
im not gonna post anything... 
so i could say the post entry will be less n less.. gg

i wanted to blog about the perth trip in CNY
but there are bunch of photos,
so i think, until i sort it out..not gonna post anything...

lets talk bout today,
i don hv cellphone today.. T_T
it was like i've been cut out from the world.. lol
i left it on another car the day before, n forgot to carry with me when i exit the car
too bad..

i wanna say... unfortunately, friends got contact with me on msn
got to go out meet them..
originally, i was gonna do those exercises as scheduled.. aiks
but the meeting was pretty nice too
got to c a friend back from india..
she studying medicine overhoard
got to c corpse all the time, quite nice... in a weird way...

we went to singK at ampsquare, sunway pyramid.
and had dinner there.
then we ended the day with yum cha at mamak nearby
(chui sui a lot too)

btw, i just notice that...
for me, every time yum cha more that 1.5hours
i start talkin nonsense and sometime crossing the line
(like drunk.. = = )
so....., sorry to some1 i offended in the past...
its not my mind speaking... lol

went back home around 12am...
OH!! my blazer was collected from store.. tried it on..

nice heh???? LOL
btw, this is for the coming up sis's wedding dinner in late May..
until nx time, tataz~

ps: added a photo for my last 'saturday night fun' blog post.